Branded Signage: Elevating Visibility in a Competitive Beer Market

Published: December 19, 2024
A collection of signage for breweries and beer industry brands from Dekkers

In the crowded world of beer, standing out requires more than great beer, it demands unforgettable visibility.

Getting noticed in today’s craft beer scene feels impossible. Most taprooms are getting sandwiched between three competitors. Another brewery just opened down the street. And yesterday? You overheard someone asking, “Was this place always here?”

Breaking through requires more than great beer. While you perfect that double IPA recipe, your brand’s story and appearance do the heavy lifting, turning passersby into regulars. For breweries growing across multiple locations nationwide, consistent brand presence is vital to build customer trust and recognition

Research backs this up. A telling University of Cincinnati study revealed that upgrading signage boosted sales by 10% for most businesses. A 10% boost in sales from signage alone, that’s a competitive edge worth the investment. For breweries, it’s not just about aesthetics; it’s a measurable advantage.

(Above photography courtesy of Dekkers)

Why Brand Visibility Matters More Than Ever

An example of a bottle glorifier signage

Photography courtesy of Dekkers

Think about the last time you visited a new city. What drew you into that brewery or into any other brand store? Chances are, it was not just the Untappd reviews. It was the confident glow of well-designed signage: The intentional brand presence that promised an experience worth having.

This isn’t just intuition but backed by hard data. Recent research from the University of Cincinnati revealed that 20% of consumers have entered a business solely based on sign quality. Even more compelling? 76% of consumers visit new stores because of the sign alone (FedEx survey). For breweries competing in a crowded market, these numbers aren’t just statistics – they’re potential customers waiting to be converted.

But here’s the kicker: 75% of consumers told someone about a brand based solely on its experience and visibility. In the age of Instagram-worthy taprooms and social media influence, your signage isn’t just attracting customers – it’s creating brand ambassadors.

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The Numbers Tell a Story

Consider this reality check: most beer enthusiasts make split-second decisions about the quality before tasting a single sip. Over half of younger drinkers, especially those crucial 21–34-year-olds, judge a breweries quality based on their appearance alone. First impressions stick.

Take Heineken’s approach. Despite their size, they are constantly looking at their brand presence and visibility. Each sign, display, and visual element works together, creating recognition without losing that crucial brand feel. For growing brands, this balance of consistency and adaptation proves essential.

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Making Your Mark

Two Brooklyn Brewery coolers

Photography courtesy of Dekkers

Effective brewery signage works on multiple levels: Inside your venues, lighting transforms spaces. Smart breweries use illuminated tap lists, catching eyes across the bar. Educational displays share your brewing story. Instagram-worthy corners – those perfectly lit brewery logos and tap walls – turn customers into photographers.

Outside, your sign fights for attention. FedEx discovered something fascinating – 68% of consumers have bought something simply because a sign caught their attention. For expanding brands, this visibility challenge multiplies with each new location.

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Indoor vs. Outdoor Signage: Crafting Consistent Experience

People sitting ouside with an example of outdoor siganage

Photography courtesy of Dekkers

Successful brewing brands know different spaces demand different solutions. The key is finding the right fit for each location and brand. That’s why off-the-shelf products often fall short—begin instead with your specific challenges and build towards a solution crafted to meet them perfectly.”

Indoor Signage

Indoor signage moves the needle. They are experience makers that tell your story. They can vary from (digital) illuminated menu boards showcase your brewing mastery or custom LEDneon that creates a perfect moment. Wall art transforms spaces into destinations. But here is the key: when you are scaling across locations, these elements need to create consistent experiences while adapting to each space. Indoor signs create visibility, brand awareness and it influences the last-minute decider on what to drink, while standing at the bar.

Leading brands use:

  • LEDNeons with subtle animation for that extra spark
  • Illuminated (digital) tap handles that command attention
  • Brand storytelling through signage design
  • Custom digital signage that become talking points

24/7 visibility matters more than ever. Flagship locations need landmark signage. Event presence demands portable solutions and distribution points require consistent branding. It is about creating recognition across every touchpoint and campaign.

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Digital Signage: Amplifying Storytelling

Digital elements are not just screens; they are dynamic storytelling tools. The trick? Blending them seamlessly with physical elements. Think real-time tap lists that match your brand aesthetic, social walls that highlight your community and Interactive displays that educate and engage. As we always like to say: signs tell stories. Digital solutions make them dance.

Walk into any leading brewery today and you will spot the digital revolution. Tap lists glow overhead. Instagram feeds fill corner screens. But something interesting happens when established breweries blend tech with tradition. Digital signage does not just enhance the in-store experience; for expanding breweries, it is a scalable way to keep customers connected to your brand story at every location.

Take successful beer brands. They are not just slapping up screens – they are building experiences. The tech works because it belongs there, and it works for your brand.

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Sustainability: More Than a Buzzword

People care about this more and more. They will question your grain suppliers, debate water usage, and yes – notice your energy footprint. Smart signage choices speak volumes.

Remember when neon was everywhere? Those signs burned electricity like nothing else and think of the breakage during transportation? Today’s LED technology cuts power use by 90%, and that is just the start. Modern fabrication reduces waste. Smart materials last longer. Your sign tells customers that you are thinking beyond the next quarter, and you are caring for a better future.

Read more in our expert interview with Bart Watson on craft brewers trends, data and insights.

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The Right Partner for Growth

An example ot tabletop branded signage

Photography courtesy of Dekkers

Scale brings complexity. As your brand expands, consistency becomes crucial. Your signage strategy needs to work across venues, festivals, and distribution points while maintaining brand integrity.

Global brands understand this challenge. When Heineken partnered with Dekkers International, they needed more than just signs. They required a knowledgeable partner that designs items that tell their story and help them maintain brand power across markets while adapting to local requirements.

For three decades, Dekkers International, a family-owned company, has helped ambitious brands scale their visibility. We understand how to translate your brand presence to an unmissable powerhouse, ensuring every touchpoint strengthens your position and tells your story. We call it brand illumination.

Big brands know that true brand power lies in consistency across every customer touchpoint. Dekkers ensures that each sign, display, and branded element strengthens your brand’s impact across locations and connects with customers on a memorable level.

What Next? Your beer already stands out. Your brand presence should match that ambition.

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Conclusion: Beyond First Impressions

Quality signage isn’t just about getting noticed – it’s about setting expectations. Every sign, display, and visual element tells customers what they’ll experience with your brand. As you scale, these touchpoints multiply. Each one either strengthens or dilutes your brand’s impact. The most successful brewing brands understand this. They see signage as a strategic investment in growth, not just a necessary expense. They choose partners who understand both their immediate needs and long-term vision.

Your beer tells a story. Make sure every (digital) sign, at every location, tells it well. Ready to scale your brewery’s visual impact? Visit to start a conversation about elevating your brand presence.

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This content has been provided by one of our many Partners. Partner-provided content is designed to add value and expert insight into all aspects of the brewery and craft beverage industry. The content may contain ads and promotions. The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the Partner and do not necessarily reflect the views of our company and associated brands.

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