Watch: Brew Day With Ollie

What does a brew day look like with Ollie? Simple. Check out our video walkthrough to see firsthand!

Want to Try Ollie?

Drop us a line below and our team will be in touch to schedule a demo!
Untappd Insights sample brewery consumer data report
Make Data-Driven Decisions

Demo Ollie & Get Your Free Brewery Consumer Report

Powered by Untappd Insights, your free brewery consumer report will open your eyes and help you make data-driven decisions with visibility into:

  • Top beer styles consumers in your area are drinking
  • Other breweries and brands your consumers are engaging with
  • Where consumers are buying your products and other brands
Alewife Brewing Company - logo
East Nashville Beer Works - logo
Big Rock Brewery - logo
Vancouver Island Brewing - logo
New South Brewing -logo
Electric Bicycle Brewing - logo
Panther Island Brewing - logo
Rewind Beer Co - logo
Wizard Words Brewing - logo
Whistler Brewing Co. - logo
Who's Using Ollie?

Discover Why Breweries All Over Are Making the Switch to Ollie!

From ease of use to features not found in other platforms, discover why breweries all over are making the switch to Ollie!
Back of House Production

Ditch the Spreadsheets, Get Brewery Production, Built by Brewers, for Brewers™

With Ollie, you can have visibility into your entire back-of-house with:

  • Detailed COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) analysis to give you insight into the cost of each batch you brew
  • Intuitive yeast management, allowing you to reallocate and share the cost across your brewhouse
  • Integrated task management without the need for a third-party application
  • More accurate raw materials reporting and TTB report generation
Front of House Management

The Tools You Need to Sell More of Your Beer

It's not just about brewing incredible craft beer, you also have to sell it. Ollie helps with:

  • A CRM built specifically for brewers - keep track of customers, calls, visits, and more
  • From sale to delivery, Ollie delivers robust inventory control and order fulfillment
  • Valuable sales insights and analytics
  • Accounting integration with Quickbooks Online